Monday, December 28, 2009

Amazing Ice in Malakwa

This photo was taken in Malakwa.
Yes, Malakwa!

Although ice climbing is definitely not my specialty, it isn't hard to get stoked looking at photos of local guys doing some local climbing and HARD climbing to boot!

For anyone interested in finding these amazing climbs please email Lyle at: lknight4"at"

The top photo is of Gary Wolkoff on Rest Stop (WI4+), December 20, 2009

The Second photo is of Lyle Knight him self doing the first ascent (?) of Pigeon Pillar, WI5, Malakwa, BC, December 20, 2009.

All photos are from Lyle Knight's collection that I pulled off of Facebook

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jordan,

    If anyone needs details on how to get Rest Stop/ Pigeon Pillar or CPeople Play I can be emailed a lknight4 at hotmail. Lots of great ice to be had locally.

